Registration is Open!

Registration  for 2021 is now open!
We’ve had to raise the fees a bit this year primarily  due to anticipated higher transportation costs due to COVID and some uncertainties on attendance.  On a more positive note due to some new USHPA requirements your required local club membership will be good for ALL of 2021. 

Here are the 2021 registration  fees:
March 1- May 6, 2021 (normal registration)
Open/Sprint Race $520 plus $30 RVHPA local club membership $550 Total

SuperClinic $670plus $30 RVHPA local club membership $700 Total

Here are some  key registration dates   (updated 3/27/21)
Monday March 1, 2021
-Online registration opens
Tuesday March 16, 2021
-Priority registration for top 25 ranked US pilots ends
Wednesday May 5, 2021
-Priority registration for foreign pilots ends.
Thursday May 6, 2021
-Normal registration ends.   Registration is $100 higher after this date.

As a reminder:
The event runs June 19-26.  We have proposed a possible backup date of Aug.28-Sept. 4  if COVID surges and the June date is not feasible.  But for now things are looking very good for the June event to go off as scheduled. 

To register, Click here  or go to the Apply tab.

We need you!  Click here to sign up.

Dan Wells
Applegate Open Admin.

Backup date and COVID documentation

Backup date in place for AO 2021

As we write this cases in Jackson County are declining and we hope they will be at a level where we can hold the event as scheduled June 19-26.  But just in case we have set a backup date for the competition.  If necessary, we have set August 28-Sepember 4 as a backup.  If we end up having to use the backup date and you can’t make it then, we’ll notify everyone in time to cancel their registration without a  penalty.


Proof of vaccination or negative test requirement.

When you register for this year’s competition you will have to agree to submit written documentation of completing vaccination at least 10 days prior to the sign in on June 18th or written documentation of a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the sign in. 

Please do not show up at sign in without one of these.  Otherwise, you will not be able to compete and no refunds will be given.


The Applegate Open Team

COVID and AO-2021

Edited 2-9-2021 

Hi Pilots,
Just a reminder to let you know that registration opens on March 1, 2021 and we are working hard on planning for the 2021 event even with all the concerns about COVID.

Nothing is final yet but here is what we are currently planning to reduce COVD risks:

  • Expect COVID protocols for social distancing, face coverings, and hand washing to be in effect for protection of all. Pilots may have to sign a COVID risk waiver at sign in. 
  • Mandatory pilot meetings will be done online via Zoom ahead of the event.  Pilots must attend one of these meetings.  There will be no in-person meetings before the event.
  • Pilots and volunteers will need to show proof of completed vaccination at least 10 days prior to the event or provide documentation of a negative test result within 72 hours of the sign in.
  •  There will be no evening “learning sessions”
  • The school busses that take pilots to launch will have reduced capacity due to COVID precautions.  Pilots and their gear will be transported to launch in the busses in shifts.  SuperClinic first, followed by Race pilots, and finally Sprint pilots.
  • Daily task briefings will be done separately for Sprint and Race pilots.  Race pilots will brief on launch. Sprint pilots will brief BEFORE riding up to launch.  Race pilots will meet at HQ for the ride up to launch. Sprint pilots will meet at a field adjacent to LongSword Vineyard for their task briefing and the ride up to launch.
  • Waypoints must be downloaded from the internet.  Scorers will not load them to your device
  • Track logs will be uploaded via the internet. Scorers will not upload tracks from your device for you.
  •   Super Clinic retrieves will be as in previous years with dedicated retrieve crew. 
  • The event will offer retrieves for pilots who choose to participate.  Pilots may opt out of the event organized retrieve if they have concerns about closer contact with other pilots in the retrieve vehicles. 
  • “Apres vol” food and drink as well as the awards dinner and presentation will be at Wells Land with some concessions to COVID and social distancing.  

We’re looking forward to the event and seeing all of you.  Questions or suggestions–just call or email one of us.

The Applegate Open Team

Registration open date and new venue

HI Pilots!

Applegate Open registration opens March 1, 2021. 

We moved registration back a month this year just to be more certain about COVID risks and requirements and how they might affect the event. Things are looking good with vaccines coming but we want to make sure. 

We will have a new headquarters this year.   Wells Land will be hosting the event as Headquarters for day to day activities and the doing the awards ceremony/party.  They will also serve as a goal LZ. Wells Land is located just west of Squires peak on Hamilton Rd. We’re excited about this new venue and all the event planning experience the owner, Garon Wells, brings to the event.

Plenty of room for the awards party at Wells Land

Wells Land Amphitheatre for the awards ceremony 

We’ll still be using LongSword as a goal LZ and pilots will always be welcome to enjoy a glass of wine or a beer there after landing.

We’re  looking forward to seeing all of you and excited about what’s going to be a great event this year.

Terri Stewart
Event Organizer

AO-2021 dates

Hi Pilots!

Save the date.  June 19-26, 2021.

Our competition sanctioning application has been submitted to USHPA and we are just starting to plan Applegate Open 2021.

Like previous years there will be an Open Race, a Sprint Race, and a SuperClinic.

The event will run from June 19-26, 2021.  You can see the key dates for registration under the About tab.

COVID-19 will likely still be with us so you can expect some changes from previous years.   We’ll have more updates for you as the plans finalize between now and the first week in February when registration opens.

Thanks to the pilots who opted not to get a refund and have their 2020 fee applied to 2021.  I show you already as confirmed for 2021.  The rest of you will have to wait till March.

Fly safe and COVID free,

Terri Stewart                     Dan Wells
AO Organizer                     AO Admin

AO 2020 cancelled


After careful consideration (and heavy heart), we have little choice but to cancel the 2020 Applegate Open event.

This may not come as a surprise to many of you.  We reviewed the Opening Oregon draft Plan from the Governor’s Office and weighed it against a few critical components including non-essential travel abilities both in the US and abroad, the ability to uphold physical distancing, and meet mass gathering requirements in addition to other elements.   With many of the flying sites currently shut down, the lack of flying and teaching currency also played a role in the decision for both race and especially SuperClinic pilots.   With all the uncertainties, rather than waiting two more weeks hoping the pandemic would disappear we chose to cancel.

For those of you who have confirmed your attendance with a payment we have some options for you:

  • We will apply your 2020 payment towards the 2021 AO.
  • We will refund your payment less the bank fee.
  • You also have the option to donate a portion, or all of your paid fees, to a fund we have created to give back and provide support to individuals, businesses and/or projects in the Applegate Valley who will suffer economically from the loss of this event.

A form will be sent in a separate email with those details for you to choose your option.

For the rest of you who have registered but not paid, if you would like to make a donation to a fund mentioned above, here is the link to do so.

I want to thank the team of dedicated folks that have relentlessly supported this event including pilots, staff, and volunteers. The decision to cancel was not easy, but necessary in ensuring you and your loved ones some planning opportunity. We each must do our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19. We encourage you to visit Woodrat once it has been deemed safe and watch for updates on smaller organized events including the September Star thistle Fly-in.

Stay healthy, call a family member or friend and check in on them, pick up some extra groceries for a neighbor who may need to stay home more than you due to medical conditions, support a local store or restaurant by purchasing a gift card or other item, and thank an essential employee; that includes the grocery store clerk.

See you in 2021. Thank you!

Terri Stewart
President,  RVHPA
Organizer, Applegate Open 2020

Corona virus: another update

We have pushed back the decision date to go ahead with the event or cancel from mid April to the end of April.  We are hoping state and local guidelines will be available by that date.  Admittedly its a longshot. 

Meanwhile if any of you have ideas on how to run a competition while maintaining social distancing let us know.

We’ll notify pilots on the website, on our Facebook page, and in an email once we have a decision.  

Dan Wells
Applegate Open Admin

COVID-19 Corona Virus Update

Hi pilots,

I am certain you are receiving countless updates regarding COVID-19, and that you may have concerns regarding your attendance or other adverse impacts the pandemic may force upon the Applegate Open 2020.

Currently, we are going ahead with our plans to hold the event as scheduled.   That said, we too are following the news and the government’s response and guidelines as they develop, and we believe we should know a lot more in the next month as more testing is done and we see how the virus is spreading. We hope to gain a better understanding of the risk to the pilots and volunteers who will be attending our event.

In the mid-April time frame we expect to be able to let you know with some certainty that the event will go forward,  be cancelled or possibly be rescheduled.   For those of you who have already paid and are concerned about event fees, please know, if we have to cancel we will be issuing refunds less our bank’s credit card processing fees of $15.

Hopefully the situation will not be as dire as some have been predicting and we can go ahead with the event as scheduled.

Terri Stewart
Event Organizer, Applegate Open 2020

Applegate open runs June 13-20, 2020

Only 34 days to go till registration opens on Feb 1, 2020

The Open Race has 80 slots available and is sanctioned by USHPA as part of the U.S. Championship series.  So you can expect to be flying with some of the top pilots in the U.S.  The Open race also sanctioned by FAI with 20 of the 80 total slots reserved for foreign pilots until two weeks before the event.  So you may not want to delay registering and confirming you spot with a payment.

The Sprint Race has 80 slots available.  The tasks are a bit shorter in this race but this fun competition can be intense  at times with lots of experienced pilots flying wings with similar performance. Its a great way to learn racing in a bit less demanding environment than the Open Race.

The SuperClinic has 20 slots available with world class instruction from Kari Castle and Ken Hudonjorgensen.  Pilots in this clinic flying in this event can often get more airtime than those flying in the race events while improving their thermalling and XC skills.

Terri Stewart
Event Organizer