Important!!! When changes or updates happen posts will be made on the “AO2021-Official” Telegram channel. Be sure to have a look at Telegram each morning to see if anything has changed from the published schedule.
Time | Wells Land | Phil’s farm | Woodrat Upper Launch |
8:00 AM | HQ volunteers arrive at HQ | ||
8:15 AM | SuperClinic pilots board three vans | ||
8:30 AM | HQ open for Coffee and sales Open Race pilots arrive and get gear ready for transport | SuperClinic bus departs Phil’s for launch in three vans | |
8:45 AM | Open task committee departs in dedicated vehicle | ||
9:00 AM | Open Race pilots board busses | Sprint task committee arrives to set the day’s task | SuperClinic pilots arrive on launch |
9:15 AM | Open Race pilots depart for launch in 4 busses | ||
9:30 AM | Sprint pilots arrive and get gear ready for transport | ||
9:45 AM | Open Race pilots arrive on launch | ||
10:00 AM | Sprint pilot daily task briefing | ||
10:15 AM | |||
10:30 AM | Open Race pilots daily task briefing | ||
10:45 AM | Sprint Race pilot board busses | ||
11:00 AM | Sprint Race pilots depart for launch in 3 busses | ||
11:15 AM | Earliest Launch Opens for Race pilots Sprint Race pilots arrive on Launch. | ||
11:30 AM | |||
11:45 AM | Sprint re-briefs if necessary | ||
12:00 PM | Earliest Launch Open for Sprint pilots | ||
7:00 PM | Headquarters and store closes for the day. Retrieve may still be active. Normal deadline for track uploads |