Phil’s farm is the place where Sprint and Super Clinic pilots will park during the event.

You might have noticed Phil’s house when your are landing at LongSword. His farm is adjacent (east) of the LongSword LZ. The address is 8300 Highway 238, Jacksonville. There will be two feather flags with Applegate Open on them at the entrance.
When you turn in to Phil’s drive you will travel down a one lane road past two old buildings on the left and the pilot briefing area on the right. Past there you will see Phil’s house on the left and parking areas ahead and also to the right.

Porta-potties will be near the parking but on the other side of the trees as seen on the map.
You will likely see Phil (and maybe even Max his Australian Sheep dog ) out and when you do please thank Phil for letting us use his property.
Just a few rules:
No parking in places other than designated and definitely not in tall grass
Watch out for Max the dog
No pets allowed on the property