Downloads and links
- Introduction to the Applegate valley video by Eric Reed
- Official AO2021 Waypoint download link
- Waypoint list with coordinates PDF file
- View Waypoints on Topo map
- Download Waypoints, Goal LZs and “no lands” on a Google earth KMZ file
- View Waypoints and “no land fields on Google Maps
- OpenAir text file of “no land” fields excluding those immediately around launch and LongSword and Wells Land
- OpenAir text file with ALL no lands (courtesy of Mike Brown)
- OpenAir text file with All no lands and Woodrat LZs (courtesy of Mike Brown)
- No landing areas presentation MP4 video
- Goal Landing Zone information PDF file
- “Understanding Woodrat” (tips on flying Woodrat and the surrounding valleys)
- Competition Local Rule book PDF
- Bowerbird- How to set up