Friday June 12 Sign in day
4:00 – 8:00 pm Pilot Sign-in
4:00- 8:00 pm Assistance in setting up SPOT and INReach for the event HQ
(All pilots taking part in the practice day should sign in as early as possible)
5:00 – 8:00 pm Scorer available for waypoint downloads (scoring trailer)
5:00 – 6:00 pm Volunteer meeting
7:00 – 8:00 pm Super Clinic Introduction/Meet and Greet (beach)
Saturday June 13 Practice Day
8:30 am Super Clinic bus leaves for launch
10:30 truck leaves to take gliders up to launch
10:30-1115 am Site orientation presentation for pilots new to Woodrat
11:30 School busses take pilots to launch for those flying
12:00 pm Sign-out. Pilots fly practice courses or free-fly. Pilots send LOK message on landing. Shuttle between Hunter LZ and LongSword provided. Pilots responsible for their own retrieves. Pilot rescue will respond to pilot needs assistance or emergency messages.
4:00–6:00 pm Scorer available for waypoint downloads (scoring trailer)
4:00 – 6:00 pm Pilot Sign-in/registration
5:00 – 6:00 pm GPS Class/Official GPS Download/Spot set-up assistance
Instruction by: Jug Aggarwal w/FlyMaster.
6:00 – 7:30 pm Mandatory Pilot Meeting
Competition Rulebook discussed as well as site protocol.
Sunday June 14 First Day of Competition
8:00 HQ Opens
8:00– 8:30 am Last pilot sign-in/registration opportunity
8:30 am – Super Clinic bus with pilots and gliders leaves HQ
8:30 am Open and Sprint Pilot Meeting/Site Orientation.
9:45 am Glider truck leaves to launch (All gliders in truck. No gliders on bus)
10:00 am Open race/Sprint Bus leaves for launch
(People only in Bus, Gliders in truck)
11:00 Pilot Meeting at Launch
11:30 Task Committee Meeting at Launch
6:30 pm Open mike sessions at HQ tent (follow Telegram for details)
Monday June 15 Second day of the Competition
8:00 am HQ Opens
8:30 am Super Clinic bus with pilots and gliders leaves HQ
9:30 am Glider truck leaves to launch
9:45 am Task Committee pilots leave HQ for launch
10:00 am Open and Sprint Pilot bus leaves HQ for launch
11:15 am Pilot Meeting at launch
11:30 am Task briefing
6:30 pm Open mike sessions at HQ tent (follow Telegram for details)
Tuesday June 16, 2017 Third day of the Competition
8:00 am HQ Opens
8:30 am Super Clinic bus with pilots and gliders leaves HQ
9:30 am Glider truck leaves to launch
9:45 am Task Committee pilots leave HQ for launch
10:00 am Open and Sprint Pilot bus leaves HQ for launch
11:15 am Pilot Meeting at launch
11:30 am Task briefing
6:30 pm Open mike sessions at HQ tent (follow Telegram for details)
Wednesday June 17 Fourth day of the Competition
8:00 am HQ Opens
8:30 am Super Clinic bus with pilots and gliders leaves HQ
9:15 am Glider truck leaves to launch
9:30 am Task Committee pilots leave HQ for launch
9:45 am Open and Sprint Pilot bus leaves HQ for launch
11:00 am Pilot Meeting at launch
11:15am Task briefing
7:00 pm Open mike sessions at HQ tent (follow Telegram for details)
Thursday June 18 Fifth day of the Competition
8:00 am HQ Opens
8:30 am Super Clinic bus with pilots and gliders leaves HQ
9:15 am Glider truck leaves to launch
9:30 am Task Committee pilots leave HQ for launch
9:45 am Open and Sprint Pilot bus leaves HQ for launch
11:00 am Pilot Meeting at launch
11:15am Task briefing
7:00 pm Open mike sessions at HQ tent (follow Telegram for details)
Friday June 19 Sixth day of the Competition
8:00 am HQ Opens
8:30 am Super Clinic bus with pilots and gliders leaves HQ
9:15 am Glider truck leaves to launch
9:30 am Task Committee pilots leave HQ for launch
9:45 am Open and Sprint Pilot bus leaves HQ for launch
11:00 am Pilot Meeting at launch
11:15am Task briefing
7:00 pm Open mike sessions at HQ tent (follow Telegram for details)
Saturday June 20 Last day of the competition
8:00 am HQ Opens
8:30 am Super Clinic bus with pilots and gliders leaves HQ
9:15 am Glider truck leaves to launch
9:30 am Task Committee pilots leave HQ for launch
9:45 am Open and Sprint Pilot bus leaves HQ for launch
11:00 am Pilot Meeting at launch
11:15am Task briefing
7:00 pm Open mike sessions at HQ tent (follow Telegram for details)
6:00 pm Awards dinner (complementary for pilots-others may purchase tickets)
8:00 pm Awards Ceremony