COVID Protocols

Note:  The protocols for 2022 are based on 2022 CDC guidelines and Oregon and Jackson County requirements.  This information will be updated when changes occur.  COVID-19 still exists on Oregon and the pandemic is not over; however, emergency declarations have been lifted. 


COVID protocols at Applegate Open 2022

General policy

  • The Applegate Open will follow Oregon and CDC guidelines for COVID precautions.
  • All our events are all outdoors and as such masks are not required.
  • Pilots who are unvaccinated, older than 65, have certain medical conditions, or are pregnant are encouraged to wear masks per Jackson County recommendations.
  • The Applegate Open will not be responsible for enforcing mask wearing except on busses and inside retrieve vehicles when necessary.
  • Buses are operating based upon local guidelines and social distancing is not required at this time. 
  • Pilots who choose not to be vaccinated and not to wear masks do so at their own risk.
  • Pilots who have been vaccinated and still feel unsafe are quite welcome to wear masks.
  • If you are ill, or become ill you are not permitted on buses, in retrieve vehicles, at HQ or Wells Land and will no longer be able to participate in the event. You should be tested for COVID-19 and seek medical care as appropriate.


General CDC and Oregon regulations

  • The CDC recommends properly wearing a well-fitting mask, or respirator, over the nose and mouth in indoor areas of public transportation. 
  • Face coverings are no longer required at outdoor sporting events in Oregon per the Oregon Health Authority.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you MUST isolate for 5-days even if you don’t have symptoms. You will no longer be able to participate in the event.


On busses and retrieve vehicles

  • All pilots riding inside retrieve vehicles will be required to wear masks regardless of vaccination status upon driver request only.


The Applegate Open team
May 12, 2022